I get this question A LOT! “Do I need to be nude for my boudoir photography session?’. Of course you don’t! My job as your boudoir photographer is to make sure that you are as comfortable with your session as possible. If you’re not, then that feeling will show up in your images. Believe me, it’s not something that you want! But let’s say you want to live on the spicy side of things and you want to explore all your options. Well babe, I got you covered. And who know’s maybe this is the kind of experience you have been looking for.
Over the years I’ve debated giving my clients the option to go nude. I was kind of nervous if you will. Not that I was worried about seeing a boob or two. I mean I have a set of my own and had no problem whipping them out in public to feed my girls. No, I was nervous because I used to be one of those people that cared what other’s thought of me. *major eye roll*. After a few days of research, it became apparent to me that all this worry I filled my brain with was honestly, stupid!
What exactly is a Nude boudoir photoshoot
The woman body comes in all shapes, colors and features that deserve to be documented. Every one of them is unique in their own way. Yea babe, even yours! Those dips and curves you spend time worrying about. They are yours and only yours! So, what better way to show them some love then to show your raw self during a nude boudoir photography session
Before you write the idea completely off, there are some things I would like to point out. One of which, is you don’t need to be completely bare for your photoshoot! You are more then welcome to have your nips covered with pasties or wear a skin toned thong. If you ask me, implied nude brings your images to the next level! Another option available to you is all anonymous images. That’s right! Not a single image in your gallery needs to have your face in view. This gives you more freedom to display your gallery around your home if you choose. The plus side, no one has to know it’s you! *wink wink*

Preparing for your session
Preparing for your nude boudoir photography session is pretty much the same as any other session held here at the studio. The only difference is, figuring out how you want your session to be. Are you wanting to be full blow spicy or are you wanting your photoshoot to be a little more elegant? Some of my clients have gone as far as adding honey into their boudoir sessions. The options are pretty much endless and I am here to help you come up with the perfect plan.
How to book your nude photoshoot
When you reach out to book your boudoir experience be sure to put in the “nitty gritty” area that you are thinking about having a fine art nude experience. Go into as much detail as you can think of. Not only will this make sure I go over all the details during your consultation. But this will also make sure I answer all of your questions and give you the chance to get to know me and become comfortable! No stranger danger over here!
If you are still on the fence about booking a nude boudoir photography session. Don’t worry! You can join my woman only VIP group. It’s completely private and it will keep you up to date on all the up coming idea’s I have planned. See you over there!
Before you go: